The olive quest…

Quests are a big deal. Lands have been discovered, people’s have been found, inner peace cherished – all on quests. Mine isn’t that bold or adventurous but it still fills me with some fear and anticipation.

I should have written this ages ago, I have had pen poised on paper a million times and thoughts rushing round my head at night hundreds. I should have grabbed the ipad and got to work, but there was always a reason to hold my hand still. When I start the blog, I would think to myself, then I’ll write the most captivating, enticing, sexy and funny prose ever.When I start my blog I’ll have it all lined up, the car, the route, the money. Oh well, I suppose I realise now that my thoughts will never be perfectly formulated. My idea is not perfectly formulated and I have to make it what it is. It’s up to me to make it happen so I thought i had better just get on with it.

I’m still excited, but fears creep in too. On the one hand it’s just me, putting the kids and a tent in the car and going to Italy. On the other it represents a great escape. It’s a journey I’m going on to run away from myself and my little village. It’s about introducing the boys to another world I hope they can claim for themselves too. I guess it’s because I feel I’m not just doing it for myself that I care so much. In reality it is all about me. I’ve been accused of being selfish for wanting to go on this trip without my husband. I’ve been accused of being selfish for wanting to go on this trip, full stop. Well, sorry, it’s happening

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